by Gloves founder Tony Riddle
You don't make friends this way
There is a problem with this approach though, and I'm sure Kenny wont mind me saying this: you simply don't make any friends, it's lonely out here, people either think your mad or a genius. When you surround yourself with the anti-BS crew then it's so much harder to communicate any other way than to be frank with people, with the usual response that "he doesn't pull any punches" or "he could be more personable" or even "arrogant twat" when the truth of the matter is I can't tell you another way than this. This I believe is what we call integrity!

We are starting to create a picture here; a coach is someone that should be honest, speak the truth with conviction, is consistent and committed to the cause. How many people do you know with these attributes in a financially incentivised world? Financial gain has become more important than anything else. So the purist becomes even more protective of their own model in fear of someone else reducing it down and repackaging it to make a quick buck!
As a result there aren't many coaches with these values alive today as they are mainly recognised once dead, taking their knowledge and philosophy to the grave in fear of someone taking it from them. In the process of wanting to educate, they get lost in protecting their intellectual property and there we have it, it's lost and from what little documented information is left, the truth gets reduced down until unrecognisable.
Return to Life
Joseph Hubertus Pilates was a movement coach, and his philosophy was 'Return to Life through Contrology'. He would look at the decline of health in a modern world and change one's health with a whole education in movement, breathing and diet. I taught this method for 10 years, until I met Dr Nicholas Romanov, an outstanding movement coach who educated me in the natural laws that Joseph Pilates had written about in his only two publications. It had all come together, it was that moment for me, that Eureka moment. I now have my coach's anti-BS filter and nothing gets past it.
To have the knowledge you must also have the skill to communicate your method. Dr Nicholas Romanov is a genius, but one that sadly gets lost in translation. He is incredibly protective of his work and lives in fear of it being taken. I once set a meeting up for him at Speedo. There we are, in the board room with the director of the Speedo aqua lab and Nicholas wouldn't allow them to take his model to their scientists in fear of them stealing it. This could have been worth millions to him and could have given him the recognition he deserves, but no, he walked away, not willing to drop his label of POSE. You see he wasn't interested in the millions this could have landed him. It isn't about the money.
Old school coaches were purists, and people back then were generally less sensitive and could cope with the truth. Today people have high expectations and lower self esteem and can't cope with the truth without breaking down. Generation LAB BRAT is upon us and it now takes a special pedigree of coach to coach the mind and movements of the modern human.
A trainer firstly needs to recognise that sitting someone on a piece of equipment and rep counting and naming Greek DJ's isn't coaching. In fact it is feeding and fuelling the fire of the weak and de-conditioned. You might as well give them a Snickers and a can of Coke on their way out and be done with it.
Personal trainer or coach?
Is there something different between a personal trainer and a coach? Here at Gloves we believe so. A personal trainer generally gives a client what they want and are governed by the zoo. Sit down and train those Greek DJ muscle groups, brachioradialis this and pectorals that. Well in the coaching world it is different. We give you what you need, yes the Greek DJ's are important and should be an integral part of your own knowledge and if questioned you should know your origins and insertions backwards. But your client doesn't need to know them, unless of course that's all you have! You are more like the dodgy mechanic making "dodgy wheel bearing"comments.
Personal trainers are not osteopaths, they are not physios, (don't get me started on physios - don't think they know what they are. Is it acupuncturist this week or Pilates practitioner next week?). What they really need is the result. The intellectual mind has no idea how to move the muscle that you are referring too, as it lives in the future. By the time you have made the conscious decision, the window has changed. It's the escalator theory. Step on the escalator and it's not working, you have an immediate reaction - why didn't it move? Your mind predicted the movement based on previous examples of going up the escalator. This is called predictability. If you really want to discover more it's called Bayesian theory.
Aristotle: Thoughts, desire, action
Create the right thought, you're the coach - that's your job. You are there to change their perception and create thought, don't just leave them hanging onto what the fucking DJ's name is. In the morning who cares, it's his set (repertoire) that played out. There is nothing more satisfying than having the ability to analyse movement and have the correct filter and prep work to correct and alter the compromised habitual modern day movement system, without trying to apply the zoo model of impressing someone with your repertoire Greek DJ's.
Well this is your chance. Our ultimate game is to change the industry and actually help people. Eventually we are looking at grass routes and educating the young and keeping their own amazing movement systems developing so that we don't have to be part of the same zoo system. Keep rehabbing them, that's a "business" we don't want. In the meantime it is the job of the elder - something that we refer to as the tribal elder - to make that difference. We need more elders to make a difference. A shift in paradigm has to start with as many adult voices until it becomes loud enough for the hard of hearing and compromised to hear.
Sharing the knowledge
We have developed our Fundamentals Coaching System and have launched courses for Personal Trainers to have the access to our coaching knowledge. There's no point in us holding onto information as we want to see a change in the industry. Technique is king, the wider the foundation in technique, the higher the physiological pyramid you can build and the masses will start to listen. Help us make them listen, don't just think, let's start to act. So if you want to learn the repertoire to teach your clients how to, crawl, run, jump, balance, climb, carry, lift and hit to become healthy, strong and injury proof then this is for you.
Level 1 includes:
- How to apply Natural laws as your filter to minimise the risk of injury
- Bodyweight prep drills for good hand and foot mechanics
- How to use video analysis in your practice
- Posture and alignment drills for running
- Locomation fundamentals
- Boxing fundamentals and hand pads
- Plyometrics for rehab
- Lifting mechanics
- Gymnastic strength drills
When: 16th & 17th November 2013
Time: 10 am - 6pm
Location: The Gloves Club
Location: The Gloves Club
Price: £300 for two mind-altering days
Those that we feel competent in teaching our model will be certified and their details placed on our website as a Gloves coach with access to future education.
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