Friday, 6 December 2013

Bring back Public Hanging In 2014! by Tony Riddle A.K.A @theprepdoctor

Get a grip!

By Gloves Club Founder Tony Riddle.

I look to my children as my educators in movement. They never seize to amaze me, they teach me every day and I get to pass this knowledge on to others. That's right, It isn't just us, that educates them, our kids are our educators too!
They crawl, squat, jump, lift, carry, throw, balance, walk, run, hang and climb all with ease and great skill, fearlessly I would like to add.

In return, I have to encourage, not discourage their movement practice.  I have to show great examples of this too.

If I don't, who will?

Some compromised, frustrated PE teacher who has been entrusted to look after the physical health of my child, that's who!

Well not on my watch!

The irony is;   I go off and study with the best and re-learn the very things that my kids have inherited from me and are already naturally skilled at.  This is what I class as my duty as a parent and a tribal elder, if it is something I have lost. I need to go out and gain the skill to coach them.

In a world obsessed with the intellectual mind.

We of course want them to do well academically, but to take these beautiful movement systems away with "Sit down, Don't move, Absorb this, Get down from there, Come away from the edge and Be careful of that, along with the usual chorus of of fear based crap" is a bloody outrage!

If like my daughters, you were carried around in a sling you would have learnt the pushing, pulling, grabbing and extension reflexes early. If you were kept in a baby carrier, a buggy and a car seat you have had these systems taken away. Bam! that's the attachment theory right there!
We could even be so bold as to call it "the movement connection theory" or "the movement disconnection theory". depending on where your base camp is.

Movement that should come naturally to us all

A baby/toddler will learn to grab and grip earlier than anything else. They will climb earlier than many of their other locomotive skills.  Brachiation is fundamental to us; hanging, pulling, climbing are all just as fundamental to us as running. We were in fact tree dwellers and climbers before we became runners.  (if you believe in evolution like I do ) Yet most can't hang on a bar and hold their own bodyweight in their hands due to their lack of grip strength  for more than 20 seconds, and this is where reductionism has its place. You need to know the code to break the fear and build the layers and strip the movement right back. Look at the end result and be able to trace all the way back to where the individual is compromised, have the unique set of Liam Nielsen skills to select the 20% input towards the 80% of output, and not get caught up in selecting BS movements like the Lat Pull down that have no over lapping theory to that end result.

If you put your fingers out to a baby they will grab and grab on surprisingly tight and won't let go.  If you lift them up, they still won't let go, their vice like grip will remain. You can literally walk around the room with them "ATTACHED/CONNECTED" to you.  I am talking about a baby here. I am not talking about an athletic type, who can lat pull, morning, noon and night, but can't hang for shit and marvels at James bond hanging from an elevator for all of 12 floors!

In fact for a large proportion of the zoo it's like an emotional bomb going off in their head to even think they could carry out what should be natural to them. Don't forget a lot of people have been containerised for so long it would be irresponsible to coach them without the correct prep work. They have lost the "HOW TO" but it doesn't mean they don't have the desire to, or the hardwiring (inherent knowledge). It is more the case that the only perception they have had of exercise is to sit in another container pushing levers like a chimp in an experimental lab. "Push this handle 15x and you will receive 1 muscle group and a protein bar."

Shoulder injuries are just as rife as knee and lower back problems. It's time we all got a grip and started hanging around a different kind of bar! We can blame the compromising chair and footwear for a multitude of sins, but the lack of hanging and climbing is just as detrimental to our innate movement system. That's "innate" not "inept"movement system!

Time to Take The Gloves Off and Toughen UP.

Climbing specifics:

Prep the hand with specific hand and wrist  prep drills as this is where you need to recognise bodyweight. Re-educate the grip and grip strength. Prep the shoulder and the scapula from its zoo cage so that the individual who can't lift his hand higher than his shoulder to change a light bulb can then hang, can then pull with a straight arm, then pull with a bent arm, can then muscle up, can then gymnastic ring pull up and finally can learn how to climb. Yeah, who would have guessed it,  hanging on a bar is actually a micro skill of the macro skill of climbing.

Yes squat, yes go barefoot, but please don't neglect a good hang out with your mates!

Friday, 8 November 2013

Gatekeepers, Code Breakers and Deconstruction. by Tony Riddle A.K.A @theprepdoctor

by Tony Riddle A.K.A, The Prep Doctor

Coach Ben Medder and I were out doing our usual walk to hunt for food today and were discussing what it is that we do. I'd said that I had hit a bit of a cross roads of late as my coaching method is forever evolving and new techniques are developing, but I always revert back to my filter. Pick up a new training method, learn it, have an affair with it, some sordid, some not so sordid and then return back to my wife for a strong maintenance level,  incorporating my prep and mobility system to make it more refined.

That's enough about me, but how about the client? My conclusion is that I am having to break the code to each individual I see. To be able to coach them out of the containerised zoo and unlock the gates to give them freedom of movement and freedom of mind before they become a specialist or generalist.

The average Joe has spent most of their lives being told, "Don't do that, be careful of this, oh that's too dangerous," and for their first years of their lives carried around in a car seat like they are the latest fashion accessory. Locked in a cage when underneath it all,  they have a very sophisticated movement system crying to get out. We are designed in our earliest years to shuffle, roll, crawl, grab, kick, reach and extend. This is then carried into later years with sitting for prolonged periods of time, locked in another posture in yet another container preventing them from carrying out what they are designed to do: squat, crawl, balance, stand, walk, jump, climb, swing, run, carry, throw, fight. It is of little wonder why people have such difficulty moving. To do something you have been prevented from doing for so long is bound to stimulate the internal lion. Weight loss is no different on the emotional spectrum. "Oh you fell over, poor you, boo hooh, have a chocolate bar, "and bam, your cuddle that you needed at an early age became a chocolate bar and for the rest of your life the moment you need a hug you reach for the Snickers!

So what is it that I actually do?

It's great to be able to perform handstands, ring muscle ups, Olympic lift, fight,  barefoot run, crawl around mimicking various animals and turn paleo, this has been the easiest part and without blowing my own trumpet, it comes 'naturally' to me. The hardest thing in the world can be taking the most compromised and containerised clients and converting them into the great movers and eaters that Mother Nature had first designed them to be.

Yep, you have to walk your talk, whether you are a generalist or a specialist, but what's the point if you are a coach and can't find the right code to release the human from the cage to convert 'them' into the generalist or specialist? Aren't you simply adding to the problem, don't we want to actually heal people and get them out of the zoo? It comes with a huge responsibility to get it right, to use the right filter and select the right cues, this shouldn't just be guess work, you're playing with someone's life you selfish fuck!

Most that come to see me fit into one or more of these categories: Injured, have niggles, are over weight or are generally fearful of movement. Well, no shit Sherlock, what a surprise. A life of being told "not to" and then we come along and say "do". Without the right information it would be virtually impossible to get them to bust moves like a couple of my own movement influences Erwan Le corre and Ido Portal without emotional turmoil.


This applies to all, not just those that are already broken:

Cross fitters
Barefoot runners

The list is endless, but with each of the above you have to consider how long you will get away with what you are doing before someone comes a knocking at the injury door. I have coached lifters, barefoot runners, cross fitters, and all with terrible mechanics but sadly they only come to me when they are broken. Wouldn't it be better to serve your apprenticeship and get the tools to prep correctly and teach yourself and then others before you and the discipline you teach gets a bad rep? Or are you too impatient to get it right?
Unless of course you were lucky enough to grow up in a barefoot climbing colony and have the fundamentals already!

It's all in the "HOW TO"

In fact for a large proportion of the zoo it's like an emotional bomb going off in their head to even think they could carry out what should be natural to them. Don't forget a lot of people have been containerised for so long it would be irresponsible to coach them without the correct prep work. They have lost the "HOW TO" but it doesn't mean they don't have the desire to, or the hardwiring (inherent knowledge). It is more the case that the only perception they have had of exercise is to sit in another container pushing levers like a chimp in an experimental lab. "Push this handle 15x and you will receive 1 muscle group and a protein bar."

Movement that should come naturally to us all

Climbing has been equally important in evolutionary terms as running and yet most can't hang off a bar for more than 20 seconds, and this is where reductionism has its place. You need to know the code to break the fear and build the layers and strip the movement right back. Look at the end result and be able to trace all the way back to where the individual is compromised, have the unique set of Liam Nielsen skills to select the 20% input towards the 80% of output, and not get caught up in selecting BS movements like the Lat Pull down that have no over lapping theory to that end result.

Climbing specifics:

Release the hand with specific prep drills as this is where you need to recognise bodyweight, educate the grip. Prep the shoulder and the scapula from its zoo cage so that the individual who can't lift his hand higher than his shoulder to change a light bulb can then hang, can then pull with a straight arm, then pull with a bent arm, can then muscle up, can then gymnastic ring pull up and finally can learn how to climb. Yeah, who would have guessed it,  hanging on a bar is actually a micro skill of the macro skill of climbing.

Flogging dead horses in search of the unicorn when all along the most prized Pegasus had been hiding underneath the invisibility cloak!

I agree as coaches we should all learn the macro skill to be able to demonstrate, but please ensure that you prioritise gaining the knowledge in learning the skill of how to break the code and deconstruct using the appropriate micro skill network; the gateway to real results and one that will keep clients moving for the long game, not the short quick response.

I will end with the words of  Liam Nielsen: "What I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you."

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

It's Not Bragging If You Can Back It Up by Tony Riddle A.K.A @theprepdoctor

by Gloves founder Tony Riddle

Kenny Weldon is an old school boxing coach who has better results than anyone. Kenny doesn't wrap anyone up in cotton wool and wouldn't hesitate to put them straight. His knowledge was passed down from his grandfather to his father, and finally to him. He speaks with conviction, confidence and is committed 100% to the truth. He doesn't pull any punches (excuse the pun), but this is what makes a good coach. It's the truth that has been passed on from generation to generation. I had the benefit of 7 days with Kenny and yet it would take 10,000 hours to master his knowledge.

You don't make friends this way

There is a problem with this approach though, and I'm sure Kenny wont mind me saying this: you simply don't make any friends, it's lonely out here, people either think your mad or a genius. When you surround yourself with the anti-BS crew then it's so much harder to communicate any other way than to be frank with people, with the usual response that "he doesn't pull any punches" or "he could be more personable" or even "arrogant twat" when the truth of the matter is I can't tell you another way than this. This I believe is what we call integrity!

I started out as a Pilates practitioner, before it became the global marketing model that it is today. Now we have piloxing, Yogalates and other diluted products that will have Joseph Pilates turning in his grave but hey, what does that matter when all you can see is dollar $igns fla$hing before your eye$!

We are starting to create a picture here; a coach is someone that should be honest, speak the truth with conviction, is consistent and committed to the cause. How many people do you know with these attributes in a financially incentivised world? Financial gain has become more important than anything else. So the purist becomes even more protective of their own model in fear of someone else reducing it down and repackaging it to make a quick buck!

As a result there aren't many coaches with these values alive today as they are mainly recognised once dead, taking their knowledge and philosophy to the grave in fear of someone taking it from them.  In the process of wanting to educate, they get lost in protecting their intellectual property and there we have it, it's lost and from what little documented information is left, the truth gets reduced down until unrecognisable.

Return to Life

Joseph Hubertus Pilates was a movement coach, and his philosophy was 'Return to Life through Contrology'. He would look at the decline of health in a modern world and change one's health with a whole education in movement, breathing and diet. I taught this method for 10 years, until I met Dr Nicholas Romanov, an outstanding movement coach who educated me in the natural laws that Joseph Pilates had written about in his only two publications. It had all come together, it was that moment for me, that Eureka moment. I now have my coach's anti-BS filter and nothing gets past it.

To have the knowledge you must also have the skill to communicate your method. Dr Nicholas Romanov is a genius, but one that sadly gets lost in translation. He is incredibly protective of his work and lives in fear of it being taken. I once set a meeting up for him at Speedo. There we are, in the board room with the director of the Speedo aqua lab and Nicholas wouldn't allow them to take his model to their scientists in fear of them stealing it. This could have been worth millions to him and could have given him the recognition he deserves, but no, he walked away, not willing to drop his label of POSE. You see he wasn't interested in the millions this could have landed him. It isn't about the money.

Old school coaches were purists, and people back then were generally less sensitive and could cope with the truth. Today people have high expectations and lower self esteem and can't cope with the truth without breaking down. Generation LAB BRAT is upon us and it now takes a special pedigree of coach to coach the mind and movements of the modern human.

A trainer firstly needs to recognise that sitting someone on a piece of equipment and rep counting and naming Greek DJ's isn't coaching. In fact it is feeding and fuelling the fire of the weak and de-conditioned. You might as well give them a Snickers and a can of Coke on their way out and be done with it.

Personal trainer or coach?

Is there something different between a personal trainer and a coach? Here at Gloves we believe so. A personal trainer generally gives a client what they want and are governed by the zoo. Sit down and train those Greek DJ muscle groups, brachioradialis this and pectorals that. Well in the coaching world it is different. We give you what you need, yes the Greek DJ's are important and should be an integral part of your own knowledge and if questioned you should know your origins and insertions backwards. But your client doesn't need to know them, unless of course that's all you have! You are more like the dodgy mechanic making "dodgy wheel bearing"comments. 

Personal trainers are not osteopaths, they are not physios, (don't get me started on physios - don't think they know what they are. Is it acupuncturist this week or Pilates practitioner next week?). What they really need is the result. The intellectual mind has no idea how to move the muscle that you are referring too, as it lives in the future. By the time you have made the conscious decision, the window has changed. It's the escalator theory. Step on the escalator and it's not working, you have an immediate reaction - why didn't it move? Your mind predicted the movement based on previous examples of going up the escalator. This is called predictability. If you really want to discover more it's called Bayesian theory.

Aristotle: Thoughts, desire, action

Create the right thought, you're the coach -  that's your job. You are there to change their perception and create thought, don't just leave them hanging onto what the fucking DJ's name is. In the morning who cares, it's his set (repertoire) that played out. There is nothing more satisfying than having the ability to analyse movement and have the correct filter and prep work to correct and alter the compromised habitual modern day movement system, without trying to apply the zoo model of impressing someone with your repertoire Greek DJ's.

Well this is your chance. Our ultimate game is to change the industry and actually help people. Eventually we are looking at grass routes and educating the young and keeping their own amazing movement systems developing so that we don't have to be part of the same zoo system. Keep rehabbing them, that's a "business" we don't want. In the meantime it is the job of the elder -  something that we refer to as the tribal elder - to make that difference. We need more elders to make a difference. A shift in paradigm has to start with as many adult voices until it becomes loud enough for the hard of hearing and compromised to hear.

Sharing the knowledge

We have developed our Fundamentals Coaching System and have launched courses for Personal Trainers to have the access to our coaching knowledge. There's no point in us holding onto information as we want to see a change in the industry. Technique is king, the wider the foundation in technique, the higher the physiological pyramid you can build and the masses will start to listen. Help us make them listen, don't just think, let's start to act. So if you want to learn the repertoire to teach your clients how to, crawl, run, jump, balance, climb, carry, lift and hit to become healthy, strong and injury proof then this is for you.

Level 1 includes:

  • How to apply Natural laws as your filter to minimise the risk of injury
  • Bodyweight prep drills for good hand and foot mechanics
  • How to use video analysis in your practice
  • Posture and alignment drills for running
  • Locomation fundamentals
  • Boxing fundamentals and hand pads
  • Plyometrics for rehab
  • Lifting mechanics
  • Gymnastic strength drills

When: 16th &  17th November 2013
Time: 10 am - 6pm
Location: The Gloves Club
Price: £300 for two mind-altering days

Those that we feel competent in teaching our model will be certified and their details placed on our website as a Gloves coach with access to future education.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Have you created a victim? by Tony Riddle A.K.A @theprepdoctor

by Gloves founder Tony Riddle

Are you being victimised by your soft surroundings?

You wake up at 6.30, in your Super King size bed, put on your Ugg slippers to walk across the shag pile carpet, down the stairs and sit and eat breakfast - yes, you are a victim.

In a desperate attempt to have what you think everyone should have, you have created a softer, weaker self, enslaved in comfort and poor choices.

Yeah the bed, the slippers and the shag pile are great, but then there's the sofa, the washing machine, tumble drier, dishwasher, car that goes to the car wash... And yet we are obsessed by physical exercise and weight loss. Take all of this away and what have you learnt?

When was the last time you gave the car a good wash and a Mr Miyagi "wax on wax off"? I'm guessing a while ago, and I bet you worked up a sweat and earned your lunch.

Soft seating and cushioned footwear are no different to the softening of our environment, and with that we have become victims. The more compliant the surface, the stiffer you become. Make your floor cushioned and rubberised and you will lose the ability to move around on hard surfaces with stealth like accuracy. Sit or slouch on a compliant sofa/couch and you will stiffen and create stagnation in all the areas that you are designed to move from.  Unfortunately with this, you will start to load areas of the body that are not designed for load and become fearful and start chasing pain, going from one practitioner to another. Trying to find a cure for the list of aches and pains you have developed, when really, you are the one at blame and prevention is better than cure.

PracticingYoga, guess what! Take the marketed mat away and they are f$%ked. Let's not forget the spiritual aspect of the yogi. Really spiritual: coffee morning at Starbucks, driving your 4x4 to your poorly lit, air conditioned practice in your Lululemon clothing - now that's spiritual!

You marvel at the way toddlers move around on the floor with ease and not a grimace in sight, but you too could once move this way. Yes, it is a skill, one that you had, and lost, but one that can be programmed back in. It can be done. It will involve you moving around on the ground and using ground transitions and avoiding the soft sofa.

The problem is, it will involve you getting out of your comfort zone. A tough pill for the subconscious to swallow. The thought of taking away your comfort will induce an emotional response called anxiety, and to take away this feeling of anxiety the subconscious will sabotage you and fill what little conscious thought you have with complete an utter nonsense.

"What no Sofa, what will the neighbours think"!

If you really want to get your physical, social and spiritual needs met then start looking and mimic a child's movement and play, instead of letting them mimic our compromised lifestyle. Monkey see, monkey do. Get out the house and climb, jump, crawl, run and wrestle in nature. Move the way they do and don't fall for the crazy notion that a pervert is going to pick them up the moment your back is turned whilst in the woods.  Remember there are more perverts on the Internet than there are in your local woodland and you don't seem to have a problem with letting them sit in their cage of a room scrolling the internet,  when they should be out there at one with tumbling and rolling.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Domesticated Hunters, Zoo Humans and the Lab Brat! by Tony Riddle A.K.A @theprepdoctor

By Tony Riddle, Gloves Club founder

200,000 years ago, Hunter Gatherers and our Natural Habitat.
10,000 years ago, Farming and the Domesticated Hunter.
250 Years ago, the Industrial Revolution and the Zoo Human.
113 years ago, the Pharmaceutical Century and development of the Lab Brat.
1900-2000 The Pharmaceutical Century.

The advances that were made in the 1900's when Karl Landsteiner discovered the first human blood groups O, A and B, and when nutrition and metabolism were experimented with, have turned us into Lab Brats.

Hunter Gatherer to what??!!
At present there's lots of talk out there about the Zoo Human. I too have used this phrase in my own practice, but on reflection we are far, far removed even from the Desmond Morris'  Human Zoo of 1969. At least zoo keepers (to varying degrees) try their best to replicate the habitat and food groups of the Zoo Animal. Animals that are kept in captivity, but used for scientific experiments such as food testing, skin testing and psychological experiment do not have the same luxury as a Zoo Animal.

The experiment starts for us from the moment we enter the birth canal. Childbirth that is meant to have a short transit time has turned into a pharmaceutical and surgical experiment. Women can be drugged up to the eyeballs, lying on their backs pushing up hill (thanks to Louis XIV) with green gowns surrounding them and for most of you this would have been your entry into the "lab" too. This isn't natural. Natural is a woman falling back from the tribe, squatting and returning back to the tribe all within a couple of hours, both mother and baby bonding with the tribe. Needs met on a spiritual, mental, social, physical and psycho-emotional level.

What has come from Lab experiments is that we can use this research and make comparisons between what is natural and what is not, but do we learn from it?

Let's take William F. Windle's primates that were  put through the same surgical and pharmaceutical experience as the St. John's wood house wife. He noted that the mother never connected with her young, she had missed the window to attach, the infant showed little recognition, had to be resuscitated and showed little movement for 2-3 weeks. The complete opposite can be said for the infant monkeys that were studied in nature. They showed huge capabilities and within a few hours could cling onto the mother.

What would be the best foundation for life? Surely these experiments are in place for a reason, but why aren't they common knowledge? Why instead are you programmed to think it is perfectly acceptable to induce both the mother and the unborn baby, and be at the hands of the fear based regime? Well it's all in the memes. If you are told from the moment you open your eyes that childbirth is a two hour spiritual experience, then it will be. If you are told and programmed to think that you are going to be screaming for an epidural the moment you get in the car park and it will be like giving birth to a watermelon, then the chances are it will be.

Attachment and needs
The emotional brain is already evolving in the last three months in the womb. To think of it all starting in the womb, that environment has to be then free from chronic stress, toxic food choices and negativity too.  The mothers heart rhythms have to be calm, food groups selected natural, and sleep wake cycles adhered too. It's tough to achieve this in the Lab, but not impossible. You just need to remember the Lab Brat experiments and that you have a voice, common sense and the ability to sift through the BS and not get uploaded with the wrong programme like so many have before you.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Create a 'Warrior' not a 'Worrier' by Tony Riddle A.K.A @theprepdoctor

by Tony Riddle, Gloves Club founder

After having children I have become really selective in the information or software that I choose to upload into their system. Yes that's right: I look at my children as a system and hopefully after you read this, you might do too!

Memes, or programmes that are uploaded into the mind can have positive or negative affects. Lets take books before bedtime as an example.

Zoo baby?
My wife loved a series of books, called The Large Family. The books looked great on the surface and feature a family of loving elephants, but scratch away at that surface and it's a feast of cake and inactive lifestyles that are corrupting the minds of my beautifully crafted natural eaters and movers. Had these books fed a positive message of the elephants returning back to what they do naturally then it wouldn't be such a catastrophe that has resulted in them entering "Room 101".

The message is one that tells my girls that it's too hard to work out or eat well, and work is stressful, and the parent elephants shouldn't be parents at all, that they are simply too selfish and uneducated for the needs of their children. Children don't need to know what a diet is - the term itself is a bad programme. Just because mummy elephant is troubled with her weight doesn't mean she needs to feed her child up to look the same. Surely she could look at how she got in that state and would see that this is exactly what not to do to her own.

One of the books shows how the mum is trying to loose weight and bans bad food. No cake or biscuits for anyone, but finds herself at midnight drawn to the fridge and caving into eating cake. When weakness calls she finds herself in the kitchen and the whole family are there devouring the cake too. The food groups that were bad are now proven to be desirable and you can't help but eat them. Great memes. Talk about a virus for the mind.

Exercise and diet haven't worked, it's too difficult, and it's OK to fail. Yes, great messages just before bed. It's of little wonder why I have such difficulty getting accurate food diaries out of my clients. How long have you been programmed into eating inflammatory foods and sugars?

Food choices - are you in control?
You have to understand that we have blank slates as children and you were once one too. These blank slates have hardwiring that has taken millions of years to sculpt, millions of years that have monumentally been destroyed and continue to be destroyed in a blink of an eye. The blank slate just keeps uploading our information. We are their tribal elders, they learn from us. Our movements, our foods, our conversations and we are products of our parents and schooling. We need to take responsibility not only for our actions, but for our parents actions too and look at the disastrous state of humanity.

"We did what we were born to do, what we were trained to do."
Spartans. "We did what we were born to do, what we were trained to do."

As a result of programming, these great warriors were able to overcome great and traumatic situations. The news that the current zoo human is incapable of carrying out a fundamental movement such as walking or running for a bus is an insult to what these great organisms produced but again, training the mind should take presidence. If we all had to undergo an education in the fundamental needs of the organism, maybe we would not see the pathologies that we do today.

Q: What are you trained to do?
A: Simply what you are programmed to do.

I'm not saying reenact the scenes from 300, but simply be mindful of what you're trying to achieve. If you put as much effort into the food groups and fundamental movement patterns and play as you do with your child's academic results then they will become a far more successful self.

Create a "warrior" not a "worrier".

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Move Like Joe by Tony Riddle A.K.A @theprepdoctor

 by Tony Riddle, Gloves Club founder

To understand one religion you must go away and study them all.

Understanding the system of body weight is one of the biggest pearls I have been given (thank you Dr Nicholas Romanov). It is an amazing coaching cue and depending on how deeply you want to look into it, will change the way you move and approach any exercise. If you understand and are mindful of your own weight and where it is in connection to the earth, be it through your hands, feet, backside etc., you can carry out the correct balance between muscles on or off and understand how our system is stacked much more efficiently. It's a system of support and action. This is my support and now my mind can now carry out the right action. Without the understanding of the support the action will be flawed. Education into body weight has been and still is being taught by modern great minds of movement: Dr Romanov, Lee Saxby, Kenny Weldon, Ido Portal, and Erwan le Corre to name but a few.

I was first introduced into the concept of body weight by Dr Romanov and from then my perception of coaching has changed forever. Working side by side for many years with the world's best barefoot coach Lee Saxby has meant I have had access to some great knowledge. He has been another great inspiration to me and many pearls of wisdom gained - for me this one was huge: Dudley Morton

New York City 1936, the same time Joseph Pilates was kicking around the Big Apple, Dudley Morton broke the code to the human foot. He broke the foot down into units of body weight. For those who are not familiar with the importance of body weight, body weight recognition is at the top of the hierarchy. If you don't understand where your weight is, sadly your movement will be grossly compromised.

This is where practitioners go wrong and end up obsessing over making tiny adjustments. "Contract this, pull in that, tense this and tuck in this" and not a hint of this in the classical content of Return to Life Through Contrology. If you really want to "ape the animals" you should have an understanding of your body weight in both hands and feet. I can't imagine cats and dogs running around pulling their belly button in and tensing their glutes. These should really occur naturally and not to be forced.

There's text in Return to Life Through Contrology that refers to correct standing posture and where your body weight should be poised (the ball of the foot). This is exactly where Dudley suggests body weight to be in standing posture, yet broken down through looking at the evolution of the human foot. The big toe and ball of the foot should be the loaded point in stance and has huge leverage capability.

Every practitioner who teaches movement that involves the conversion into becoming an upright being should have an understanding of where the body weight should be in the human foot. It is no coincidence that Joseph Pilates had invented toe-correction equipment and exercises, he had a great mind and like Morton understood the importance of good foot mechanics. I wouldn't be surprised if the two great minds had met.

It is through Dudley Morton that we know the human foot to be one of the most complex and neglected parts of the human body. It has points of leverage, points of balance, three rocking actions each with specific changes in speed. 70% of the information from our proprioceptive system comes from the base of our support when upright, enabling us to make the correct subconscious judgement between muscle action and tendon action. And yet most have no understanding of the sensation of where their weight is when standing let alone carrying out basic fundamental movements, walking and running.

If you don’t understand the mechanics of the foot and have no understanding of where your weight is, then the ankle joint can’t function correctly, from the ankle joint, to the knee joint, to the hip, to the pelvis, to the lumbar to the thoracic spine. With a combination of seated posture and all these mechanical movements out of kilter you will be recruiting from all kinds of systems that are not designed for the actions you desire, resulting in the same annoying procedure of "tense this, pull in that, tighten this and tuck in that". Muscle tension is then created and this is where practitioners generally get it wrong. Instead of looking at the mechanical movement, they look at strengthening and stretching for the areas they perceive as weak or tight. If you don't sort out the structures from the base of support you will keep having to offer the same strength and stretch model and this is what I would call symptom relief, nothing more. This still doesn't equip you with the tools to move like Joe - you only become strong at the exercise you are being offered. As soon as you stand up and walk across to the car park from your class of "Classic Pilates" the system reverts back to the same position you walked in the door to your session with.

Neck endurance
It is my personal mission to go in search of what inspired the Joseph Pilates movement system, the one that can be read about in his bible Return to Life Through Contrology. Surely we owe him that much. Remember, to understand one religion you must go away and study them all. Well to move-like-Joe, you have to go away and study them all. The move-like-Joe-movement system: head wrestling, boxing, hand balancing, gymnastics, running, quadrupedal, circus performance. From a purely selfish standpoint as a man, these are far more attractive disciplines from Joseph Pilates past.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Re-Mastery: It wasn't just meant for dance. by Tony Riddle A.K.A @theprepdoctor

 by Tony Riddle, Gloves Club founder

Recently I ran a campaign through Facebook for All in all this was a great success, apart from the odd strange comment every now and then, but hey that’s social media right? As Gloves coach Ben informed me, "Tony its rather like promoting your business in a bar."

What really captured my attention was what seemed to be an invitation to a Pilates conference. The particular conference is being held near my home town Windsor, so as you can imagine I was delighted! Now this might have been a touch of arrogance on my behalf, but all the same it led me to post back asking if it was an invitation to present. To which they replied "This is a classic Pilates event that. We aim to keep that way."

From boxer to gymnast Joe was so much more than portrayed today 
Well! I didn't realise that you had decided what is classical. Really, this is only your interpretation of what is classical. They are advertising Pilates for men - yeah that's classical. Hopefully you're referring to Joseph’s head wrestling, acrobatic hand balancing and boxing systems then if you really want to get men interested? You have to look at what the great man trained in himself, right? 

It still amazes me how pretentious practitioners can be with the labeling of "classical Pilates". Do they know what classical means? It would be impossible to find a classic Pilates method taught in the way the great man had in his own thoughts, as it was his whole philosophy.

The same could be said for Georges Hébert’s méthode naturelle. We now have descendants of his model: Parkour, Free Running and the closest to it by far, Erwan Le Corre’s MovNat. The difference is that these systems are not called the Hébert’s method and therefore aren't claiming to be classical ambassadors.

If you take Joseph Pilates original model of Contrology, before his practice had switched to the rehabilitation of ballet dancers from the New York City ballet it looked, and I'm 100% sure would have, felt very different. The classical work as far as I am concerned can be seen from rare footage of Joseph outside in the natural environment showing great awareness of body weight with not a leotard in sight.

From head wrestling to boxing,  Joseph Pilates was the great movement master coach who had many systems of movement which today have either been forgotten or misinterpreted. You only have to read Return to Life or Return to Health through Contrology to know the system meant so much more than is being taught in Pilates studios around the world.

Unfortunately bodybuilding isolation exercise has entered the world of Pilates, the same as it has with the strength and conditioning minds of modern movement coaches today. This is a general practice of developing muscle for muscle's sake which looks great in the mirror, but sadly doesn't equip you with the ability to move like Joe!

Not a movement you would see in your average Pilates studio!
Thankfully there are many other systems from his era and from the same school of thought that are now seeing a huge revival: body weight exercises, old school lifting techniques, old school running techniques, animal movements, gymnastics, Strong Man exercises and hand balancing are all becoming mainstream, and I think the granddaddies of these great disciplines would be pleased. There are some really fantastic systems coming through, systems that are being taught by coaches and teachers with a great understanding of the fundamentals.

Systems like these are inherent. We really do have them in there, somewhere, just waiting to be unleashed. In fact, we all have a far better natural understanding of movement until that sad day comes, when we're introduced to a chair or take our first class at school and sit down for long periods of time and become non movers!

Movement is a skill, whether that's running, walking, climbing, balancing, throwing, jumping, lifting, carrying, swimming, defending or crawling (quadrupedal movement). In fact we shouldn't really stop there. Sex, child birth, breathing, digestion, even bowel movements require skill, skills that seem to be slowly taken away until we are no longer capable of our own survival. But not only are they skills, they are also fundamental needs, needs that are nearly all neglected. No wonder there are so many pissed off people out there. Perhaps if we started to put as much focus on the fundamental needs of movement as we do on all of our other needs, we would be much healthier and happier.

As much as they try we can re-learn. We can eat naturally, move naturally and as a result digest and poop naturally. We can squat correctly which in turn can help us stand, walk and run naturally, but again as these are skills they have to be coached back in to our system, and this requires a coach. We should look at coaches as tribal leaders, ones that can educate us in our fundamental needs to become more skillful at being Human again.